Rhythm of Health recommends that during the state of emergency you follow the information and recommendations of relevant institutions, such as the World Health Organization, the Ministry of Health, and the site covid19.rs, to help prevent the spread of the new coronavirus and preserve your health.
Some of the basic guidelines to follow:
– Wash your hands often with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds or use a 70% alcohol-based disinfectant.
– Do not touch your face, eyes and mouth.
– If you experience any symptoms of the covid 19 virus, such as dry cough, body temperature higher than 38 degrees and difficulty breathing, consult a doctor – go to specially made wards (so-called covid wards) at health centers. You can find the addresses of the health centers on the website covid19.rs
– When you are outside, keep a distance of 2 meters.
– Wear a facemask and gloves. Wearing a mask will allow you to protect others from yourself if you are infected or a potential carrier. Medical students interestingly explained how wearing a mask affects the chance of becoming infected with the virus. You can see the graph here.
– Regularly disinfect handles, shoes and clothes that you wear outdoors.
– While you are at home, in the longer intervals of curfew, do not forget to eat properly, and be physically active. Find inspiration for healthy meals in the Let’s Have a Picnic cookbook, which you can download here.
Follow experts’ advice; be responsible for yourself and others, so that we can continue in the rhythm of health as soon as possible!